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 Reversing diabetes is a term that usually refers to a significant long-term improvement in insulin sensitivity in people with type 2 diabetes. People with type 2 diabetes that are able to get their HbA1c below 42 mmol/mol (6%) without taking diabetesmedication are said to have reversed or resolved their diabetes.

Not all people with diabetes need drug therapy. A healthy eating plan and exercisealone can be enough if the person makes significant lifestyle changes. This health condition can be prevented by following a low glycemic load diet (basically, a diet low in sugars), staying physically active, and getting regular medical screenings.

If you have this type of diabetes the foods you eat should have a low glycemic load (index) (foods higher in fiber, protein or fats) like vegetables and good quality protein such as fish, chicken, beans, and lentils. From that base, other types of nutritious foods like fruit, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, and nuts should be added.

Foods with a high glycemic index (foods that raise blood sugar too quickly) are foods to avoid, such as processed foods, high in carbohydrates, sugars, or animal fat. Examples of foods to avoid include:

  • Deserts
  • Sweets
  • Pastries
  • Breads
  • Chips
  • Crackers
  • Pasta.

Alongside proteins and fibers, type 2 diabetic diets must also include foods rich in complex carbohydrates such as millets, barley, whole wheat, brown rice, etc. Besides, consuming vegetables such as onions, garlic, cauliflower, salad greens, green beans, broccoli, okhra, bitter gourd, fenugreek, etc. too is important while reversing type 2 diabetes, and also preventing its onset and progression.

Can exercise help manage type 2 diabetes?

Exercise is very important if you have this health condition. Exercise makes cells more insulin sensitive, pulling glucose out of the blood. This brings down blood sugar, and more importantly, gives you better energy because the glucose is being transferred to the cells. Any type of exercise will do this, but extra benefit is gained when the activity helps build muscle, such as weight training or using resistance bands. The benefits of exercise on blood sugar last about 48-72 hours, so it is important for you to be physically active almost every day.


Reversing diabetes in a natural manner is important from the viewpoint of sustaining the reversal process, and also not falling prey to the habits of those expensive diabetes medicines. Remember, diabetes reversal is a gradual process, and it requires a strong determination, coupled up with a strong self-commitment to reverse the disorder and turn healthier than ever. It demands an individual to make lifestyle changes and follow those changes to ensure positive results in the long run. Nevertheless, before you go for a diet program, and choose an exercise to start the reversal process, make sure you consult your diabetes expert to know what suits you and what doesn’t.
